The pale residue

I was disappointed at first. The pictures came out slightly off-focus – the window frames were pin-sharp and I’d forgotten to move the camera to the right slightly. I’d not done what I’d aimed for: to somehow make it look like I was being transported from the back room to outside whilst actually remaining outside. […]
All the things that are hard to do

I don’t like self-portraits. I should clarify; I don’t like deliberately setting out to to be the star of my own show. Even though I usually like the results. I sometimes even like the process. But the pre-game show of setting myself up to do these portrait sessions crushes every grain of confidence I have […]
Pearls, tears, nothing more

Self-portraits on KodacolorVR1000 expired in 1985Flavia Our theme for this inaugural roll of film was Self-portraits. Because it was 37 years expired, I followed to one stop per decade rule, and rated this film at 50. The inspiration behind this series was the poem by Paul Verlaine “Il pleure dans mon coeur comme il pleut […]